Mejorando el Intercambio de Conocimientos y la Colaboración entre Bancos Públicos de Desarrollo Agrícola a través de la Plataforma Agri-PDB

La información sobre metodologías exitosas no se comunica de manera efectiva a los BPD en todo el mundo de manera oportuna. Con la nueva Plataforma de Bancos Públicos de Desarrollo Agrícola (Agri-PDB | Plataforma), los bancos miembros podrán acceder a la información y los servicios de manera efectiva y sistemática gracias al intercambio de pares. Esto permitirá a los BPD estar actualizados con los últimos desarrollos en la industria y tomar decisiones más informadas.
La colaboración de pares a pares (P2P) es uno de los principales servicios ofrecidos por la Plataforma Agri-PDB. A través de este componente, los BPD podrán aprender de las experiencias de los demás y obtener valiosas ideas sobre prácticas empresariales exitosas. Además, los Agri-PDBs intercambiarán mejores prácticas y ejemplos de éxito en el área de finanzas verdes e inclusivas.

The Role of the Agri-PDB Platform in Advancing Sustainable Practices and Financial Strategies Among Agricultural Public Development Banks

The Agri-PDB Platform will act as a facilitator to share knowledge (existing and produced by the Platform) and accelerate learning among PDBs. This will also provide an opportunity for Agri-PDBs to collaborate and leverage each other’s strengths. The platform will also provide access to a wide range of resources, such as technical expertise, study trips and funding opportunities. Additionally, the Agri-PDB Platform will create a network of technical partners and stakeholders, helping to foster synergies and collaboration.

As part of the construction process for FIRA’s new sustainability strategy, the platform assisted the team in identifying best practices among international financial institutions. In an interview lasting approximately 60 minutes, the Mexican PDB’s Deputy Direction for the Environment discussed the sustainability activities of CAM Morocco and ADBC China. A number of topics have been requested by the Mexican PDBs, including communication, funding, governance, risk management, and programs and projects. A major focus of FIRA Mexico’s P2P was how to obtain funding for sustainable financial products, how to work with international funds (GDF, GEF, IFC), as well as international financial organizations (IDB, KfW, AFD) and whether government funding was available. In addition, inquiries were made about sustainability strategies and director involvement in these matters. When it comes to project-related issues, FIRA examined the selection of sustainable projects and taxonomies, as well as the financial conditions relating to the financial products, including subsidies or special terms. Additionally, they inquired about how PDBs pilot communicate sustainability related activities to their stakeholders (ESG Web, annual report, social media). Another Peer-to-peer request was received from TADB and FINAGRO and is currently being processed.