News An assessment of the needs of Mali’s Public Development Bank

An assessment of the needs of Mali’s Public Development Bank

Under the EU-funded ILSA program, the Agri-PDB Platform is engaging with the Banque Nationale de Développement Agricole BNDA Mali and in order to develop solutions that will integrate agro-ecological approaches into the banks’ operations. The objective of this intervention is to support the financial ecosystem that supports sustainable agricultural transformation, streamline the decision-making process in the bank, and ensure that nature-based solutions are considered when providing credit to famers and SMEs.

As a result of their collaboration, the BNDA Mali and Agri-PDB Platform contribute to the advancement of agricultural finance and soil fertility management

As part of this initial mapping of needs mission, DANIDA, UNDP, and KFW participated as well as the IFAD country offices and EU delegations to Mali. The team was able to identify solutions and quick wins in terms of training and adoption of innovative tools that will improve BNDA practices in terms of financing, monitoring, and defining their Agroecology strategy.

The team also developed an action plan with recommendations for further implementation. They concluded that effective implementation would require close collaboration between all stakeholders. The action plan will be implemented in the coming months.