News Agri-PDB Hosts Second Working Group on Agroecology

Agri-PDB Hosts Second Working Group on Agroecology

The Agri-PDB Platform recently hosted the second working group focused on integrating agroecology into the operations of Agriculture Public Development Banks. The event featured informative presentations and discussions aimed at enhancing the role of Agri-PDBs in supporting sustainable agricultural practices.

Agri-PDB  Platform Hosted the Second Working Group on Agroecology

On June 5th and 6th, the Agri-PDB Platform organized the second working group dedicated to agroecology. The event was held in collaboration with AFD, AGRA, ALIDE, and APRACA. Discussions focused on the viability of Agriculture Public Development Banks financing the transition to agroecology and the ways they can incorporate agroecology into their operations.

The workshop featured presentations from PDB members including ADBC China, Banco Agrícola Dominican Republic, NABARD India, and the IFAD agroecology team. These sessions facilitated in-depth exchanges and discussions among participants and platform partners.

The coordinator of the platform, Thierry Latreille, highlighted the platform’s goal of leveraging the expertise and resources of public development banks to optimize financing for sustainable agriculture and food systems. It was also announced that the European Commission supports the platform as part of the ‘Investment in Resilient Livelihoods and Soil Health’ program in ACP countries.

Representatives from  AFD emphasized the holistic nature of agroecology, highlighting its environmental, social, and economic dimensions. A practical tool was presented for credit officers to assess agroecological projects, focusing on soil health, water management, biodiversity, emissions, and pollution control.

Furthermore it was discussed the importance of comprehensive evaluation tools for agroecological investments. The need for adaptable financial tools that consider the diversity of agricultural systems and the long-term impacts of climate trends was emphasized.

The second working group on agroecology was a significant step towards integrating sustainable practices, it counted with the participation of  multiple PDBs from Latin America, Africa and Asia. The event highlighted the importance of comprehensive evaluation tools. Agri-PDBs are now better equipped to support the transition to agroecology, promoting sustainable and inclusive agricultural systems.